Question Writing
It all starts with our skilled team of question writers who professionally research, write, edit, check, and double check our creative, fun, challenging, and entertaining shows. We couldn’t do it without our talented writers!
Next, we provide both internal and external marketing tools that we’ve perfected. Whether you are looking to attract a bar crowd, a larger dinner rush, or bring in a younger (or older) clientele, we can help make it happen. Bottom line: we help bring our variety of trivia fanatics to your bar or restaurant!
Then, the host arrives the night of the show and takes care of absolutely everything. They bring and set up their equipment, they provide all of the game materials for the teams, and they entertain the crowd from start to finish. You won’t have to do a thing other than sit back and watch your bar fill up!
Whether you’re #TeamJake, #TeamFitz, or #TeamOlivia, we hope that you’ll be #TeamLastCall so that we can handle everything for you. Next time you’re looking for some help boosting sales, contact your local Gladiators at Last Call Trivia, and we’ll handle it.