Category: Players

Podcast Episode 42 Round 2

Use Your Brain, Not Your Education

Pop Quiz Solve these elementary school problems quickly in your head – A ruler and pencil cost a dollar and ten cents. The ruler costs a dollar more than the pencil. How much does the pencil cost? Your body has a rash. Each day the rash doubles in size. If

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People teams at table regular normal 4 scaled

Assemble Your A-Team

This mission is not for the faint of heart, and let’s face it – some of you may not make it through in one piece. Each of you has a certain set of skills, and you’ll need to utilize them perfectly. It will take every ounce of courage, cunning, and

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brain vessel chart

Unstump Yourself

So your team is killing it at Trivia Night, then the inevitable happens – a question is asked that absolutely stumps everyone. You look around the table, getting only dumbfounded glances in return. This is the big point question and nobody has a clue. You disgustedly write some bit of

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Podcast Episode 65 Round 1

There’s Something Going On Here: Identifying Theme Rounds

“No way! The theme round is never the first round.” You’re deciding on your answer for the third question of the first round, and your teammate says, “Felix, Garfield, the third answer has to be a fictional cat”. Well it turns out; IBM is definitely not a fictional cat.  

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Podcast Episode 74 Round 2

How Not Knowing Hints Makes You a Rookie

You are alone on an empty street. You see a five dollar bill on the sidewalk. Do you pick it up?   You are a regular at your local bar. You tip well and are polite. The manager offers you a drink on the house. Do you accept?   Your

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Trivia Tips 2

What Your Fav Last Call Game Says About You

What your Last Call Trivia game of choice says about you…As you may have found out, there are several options to choose from when you are getting your friends together to compete in Last Call’s weekly bar or restaurant mind games. They all have a common goal: to crown the best teams. They also have some important differences to stand out on their own.

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Podcast Episode 38 Round 1

Arm Yourself for Trivia!

My local library has an issue on the upcoming ballot.   It’s well beyond my job description to get blatantly political in this space, but I think I’ll have the support of Last Call Trivia when I ask you to SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY!   This specific issue is local,

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Trivia Tips 2

There’s Only One Way to Win Trivia

We all get those emails.   CLICK HERE FOR BIIIIIIIIIG TRIVIA SKILLS! “Please your trivia host with correct answers ALL NIGHT!” “ENHANCE YOUR BRAINPOWER!” “Grow your MIND into a TRIVIA TORPEDO!” “Answer questions that are HARDER! FASTER! LONGER!” “Create a BRAIN BULGE that that will arouse JEALOUSY on the league

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crowded bar teams 4 scaled

Assemble Your Dream Team!

In the 1992 film, White Men Can’t Jump, Rosie Perez’s character Gloria was constantly studying random facts and odd trivia, waiting for her chance to show it off as a contestant on Jeopardy.  Of course, when she finally gets on the show the first round includes subjects she has crammed

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