This mission is not for the faint of heart, and let’s face it – some of you may not make it through in one piece. Each of you has a certain set of skills, and you’ll need to utilize them perfectly. It will take every ounce of courage, cunning, and bravery to band together and act as a well-oiled machine. I’m not going to lie, completing this mission will be hell. Now let’s go play trivia.
Okay, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. But your trivia team should complement each other in skillset as well as demeanor. Sure, the objective should always be to have fun, but wouldn’t it be great to have all the strategic bases covered? Besides, winning is pretty fun, right? Here are two things to consider when assembling your Last Call Trivia A-Team.
Spectrum of Knowledge
First, and most obvious, you need a team that can cover a wide spectrum of topics. Subject experts in science, history, geography, sports, and film/TV are a must, as you’ll definitely get questions on these topics at every show. Having a couple of all-stars that are experts at more than one subject are key as well. That film buff who can also explain quadratic equations is like diamond-plated gold for a trivia team.
The second thing to consider when assembling a trivia team is how your folks will interact. The right mix of personalities can make all the difference in the world. You don’t want a team of people unwilling to back down from their answers, too hardheaded to listen to other offerings. However, and just as important, you don’t want a team of wafflers that are too weak-willed to speak up and assert what they think is the right answer to a question. A team full of second guessers will get you nowhere.
So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take these tips and assemble your trivia A-Team. Then deploy to your nearest Last Call Trivia venue and take no prisoners.