How Hosts Can Promote Their Own Shows

Written by

Adam Johnston

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken, and I’ll conquer the world! My job is to make sure that everyone else does their job, which has to be the easiest job in the world considering the brilliant, hard-working people we have in our Flock. My ultimate goal is to run a company that people are proud to work for. I’m an avid statesman, adventurer, Burner, Broadway aficionado, athlete, and I wear my Cole Haans as often as my cowboy boots. It’s a wonderful life.All Posts

Congratulations, you’re hosting a Last Call Trivia night! That’s great. But, what if nobody comes to your show? Have no fear. Learn everything you need to know about getting the word out about your trivia show.


In Real Life

  • Mention your trivia night to those you’re talking with. Person: “Any fun plans tonight?” You: “Oh y’know hosting my trivia night down at Callahan’s.” Person: “Wow, I’ll have to check that out tonight!”
  • Wear something related to trivia, Last Call Trivia or the bar you’re hosting at. Whether it’s a bag, hat, T-shirt, keychain, coffee mug, or tattoo, it’s a great conversation starter.
  • Attract attention of local newspapers, magazines, bloggers, social media influencers, radio stations, and socialites.
  • Local Hangout Hotspots
  • Coffee Shops
  • Colleges/Schools
  • Community Centers
  • Hang a flyer promoting your trivia night around town
  • Library
  • Comic book shops


  • Post an exciting image a day or two before your trivia night
    • Keep it relevant. Write something witty about a current news event, latest sports game, etc
    • Make it funny. Don’t be afraid of dad jokes, gifs, puns or using comic strips
    • Remind people of the prize they could win
    • Mention the place and time of the trivia
    • Does the bar offer any specials during your trivia night?
    • Tag Last Call Trivia
  • Create a Facebook event for your trivia night
    • Feel free to tag Last Call Trivia
    • Invite your friends
    • Post once a day in the event to help build hype and so your post in the event shows up as a notification
  • Dedicate a Facebook photo album
    • Take snapshots during trivia night and share them throughout the week in the album to let people’s FOMO get the best of them


  • Tweet before the trivia night to build up hype and remind people
    • Use consistent hashtags
    • Tag friends to invite them
    • Use photos and Gifs
  • Live-tweet during your trivia
    • Show those who couldn’t make it what they missed out on
  • Tag @lastcalltrivia


  • Post a picture the morning of or day before your trivia night
  • Tag the bar it’s at and Last Call Trivia
  • Use lots of hashtags #trivia #trivianight
  • Keep it local. Use your local hashtags
  • Tag @lastcalltrivia

Don’t forget about other websites like: Craigslist, HUGECITY, Eventful,, etc.


If promoting your show on social sounds as much fun as losing at trivia night, then consider using Hootsuite. It allows you to schedule your posts to Facebook, Twitter, and more. Get it all done in one shot and make sure your trivia night is promoted every week!


Consider making your social media profile picture or bio include a mention of your trivia night.


The more you post, the more people your message will reach and spread the word! Don’t forget to mention on the day after the show how much fun Trivia Night was and to thank everyone for coming out. You could even mention that you’ll see them next week.


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